Air Conditioning Repair: Five Things an HVAC Contractor Should Do or Check When Performing an Annual Inspection

You must schedule annual inspections for AC units in your house. For air conditioners to work properly, the system must be cleaned and tuned up well and as needed.

Find trained HVAC technicians for inspections and repairs. Use good location-based keywords to find service providers online. For instance, use air conditioner repair Jacksonville Beach FL to find such services. Visit their websites to know more about their business and services. Choose a company with trained technicians and trusted services.

Here’s a checklist of five things an HVAC contractor should do during annual inspections.

1.    Clean and/or replace air filters.

Air filters inside the AC perform a vital function to cool your home. Any clogs in the air filters will impact the cooling function of the AC. Air filters trap dust, dirt, and even tiny insects. They protect the unit and ensure the machine blows out only cool air.

Thus, air filters need to be cleaned during every inspection. Technicians need to see if it is damaged enough and requires replacement or not. Clogged air filters can also slow the airflow. Dirty air filters will mean impure indoor air. So, they need to be cleaned very thoroughly.

2.    Check for loose or damaged parts.

Annual or periodic inspections are perfect to check for any screws that might be loose inside the unit. Bolts can come undone or may be in danger of incurring damage. Coils can have cuts and may need to be replaced.

The technician will need to check the wiring inside the unit. Even a tiny crack in the ducts can cause water leakage. Even if a small component of the unit is damaged or loose, it can cause the HVAC unit to malfunction. A loose screw can even damage the machine. So, this is an essential component of the annual inspection.

3.    Check refrigerant levels and refill them.

Refrigerant levels inside the unit need to be optimal. If you do not get it refilled, it will adversely impact the cooling of the house. Refrigerant helps produce cool air inside the AC. If its levels diminish, the cooling from the AC won’t be good.

4.    Check for leaks inside the system.

Leaks inside air conditioners can occur at any time. It is quite common with older AC units. Faulty installation can lead to leaks in new systems as well. Refrigerant can leak into the adjacent walls and the ceiling. The condensation that the AC unit generates can also pool outside and leak into the walls. Even if the leakage is not much to start with, it will eventually accelerate. It will also continue to damage the nearby walls.

During annual inspections, technicians can contain leakages before they can cause any damage. They will inspect the cause of the leaks and rectify the problem. If any parts will require replacement, they will do so. Taking these steps will stop the leakage.

5.    Check the system’s overall health.

Technicians will inspect the entire HCAC unit thoroughly during annual inspections. If you call for a tune-up service, it will be done for the cooling unit in the spring and the heating unit in the fall.

Annual tune-ups are preventive measures. Ignoring them can reduce the lifespan of the HVAC systems. It will also cause the unit to not work properly; increasing your utility bills.

You can also call the technician for an inspection. During a thorough inspection, in addition to the tune-up, the technician will also perform an audit of the system. They will document the system’s age, its installation process, repairs over the years, and what parts were replaced. You can order these inspections when buying or selling a house.

If you need to call technicians for urgent repairs, they will check only for the cause of the problem at hand. It will likely not include an inspection of the entire unit and each of its components.

Always call only trusted and trained technicians for these jobs. Use effective online searches to find expert HVAC professionals. Air conditioner repair Jacksonville Beach FL is a good example of a relevant location-based keyword.