Why Should You Get Lead Paint Removal Done

If you have an older home, there may be problems with lead-based paint. Lead was once added to paint to help it last longer, maintain its appearance, dry more quickly and resist moisture. It has been banned from household paints in the United States since 1978, but some things may still contain it. If you have, or suspect you may have, lead in the paint on your walls, or other indoor or outdoor surfaces, you should get lead paint removal done. Here are three reasons why it is important to have your home be lead free, and how you should go about it.

Lead paint dusts can get anywhere easily

If there was once lead paint on the walls, then disturbing it in any way can expose people to serious health risks. The lead from the paint chips or flakes can be swallowed, or breathed in without realizing it, as the dust from the lead paint removal process can find its way just about anywhere, if not handled properly. Any damage to the paint can expose members of the household to risks and hazard.

Lead poisoning is a potential hazard for everyone

Men, women, and children are all at risk for the consequences of lead exposure. Adults are at risk of various problems due to lead exposure levels. High blood pressure, mood disorder, joint paint, cognitive decline, or headaches. Low levels are a problem, and high levels of lead in the blood can be deadly. It harms reproductive health, too. In men, it can lower sperm count, and it can cause women to miscarry, or give birth prematurely.

In children lead exposure can damage major organs. Even low levels of lead in the blood stream can cause anemia and harm the brain and nervous system. The risk is great in children because they are more likely put things in their mouths or touch unsafe surfaces, and they are still growing. Lead paint is a toxin and a known carcinogen.

An inspection for lead paint removal can help keep things in control

Lead paint removal, when done by certified lead abatement contractors, can isolate the hazard while renovations are being done. It is important that any dust or chips be removed, contained, decontaminated, and properly disposed of in order to keep things operating smoothly and within environmental regulations. The lead paint surface can be covered over or removed and replaced entirely. Calling lead abatement professionals means that you can know what hazards and risks your home might be facing and whether it is something that needs worrying about right now, or can be dealt with later.

There are legal reasons too

If you are planning renovations, or just want to know what to expect, then it is a good idea to look into a professional inspection for lead paint removal. That will not only give peace of mind, but it is also a legal requirement for selling or renting the home. Property owners must meet requirements of their state to know and disclose the presence of lead-based paint.

Always hire a lead abatement company for the job

Not being certain if lead paint is present, or not knowing the right thing to do about it means that you should have professional lead paint removal performed, or at least have professionals look to see the extent of the problem. Trying to manage the problem alone can cause bigger issues! Properly licensed and certified professionals have safety equipment to protect everyone from exposure, and they are better able to dispose of it, and clean up at the end of each work day. Hiring professionals makes things much easier and will give peace of mind.


Any exposure to lead paint chips or dust from renovations is a potential hazard, and it is important to have it looked into. It is a common problem, but it should not be. Lead paints have not been used in homes since 1978 and the only reason now that lead paint removal is not done is lack of understanding or awareness of where it may still linger. If there is any possibility that lead-based paints were once used in your home, lead paint removal should be done as soon as possible.