How to Know If You Need Air Conditioner Replacement

A properly functioning air conditioner can keep you comfortable in the hot summer months. Hence, it is essential that your AC functions in the best possible condition.

Regular repairs and maintenance help you maintain a properly functioning air conditioner. It can also increase the life of your AC. However, at some point in time, your AC will need replacement even after all your maintenance efforts.

Just like any other equipment, your AC shows some signs as it reaches the end of its life span. Let us discuss these tell-a-tale signs that indicate that you need to call for air conditioner replacement Jacksonville FL.

1.    Your air conditioner has reached its expected life span.

The expected life span of an air conditioner is anywhere between twelve to fifteen years. If your air conditioner has served you for more than twelve years, you should consider replacing it.

However, other factors like daily usage, the temperature in your area, and maintenance efforts have a direct impact on the life of your air conditioner. Regular maintenance can significantly increase the life of your air conditioning system. A well-maintained AC can work for up to 20 years.

Hence, it is essential to take all these factors into account before contacting air conditioner replacement, Jacksonville, FL. Not replacing your AC on time can lead to an unexpected breakdown of the entire unit or component failure that requires heavy repair expenses.

2.    It requires frequent and costly repairs.

If your air conditioner requires frequent visits by the repair professional, it is time to contact air conditioner replacement, Jacksonville, FL. Frequent breakdowns during the hot summer months can cause a lot of inconveniences. Also, an older system may require costly repairs and the replacement of expensive components.

If your repair expenses exceed 50 percent of the cost of a new air conditioner, you need to consider replacing the system.

A new air conditioning system will provide better comfort and has a longer life span when maintained properly.

It also comes with a warranty for a fixed duration. The manufacturer covers any repairs and replacements that you may require during this time.

3.    Your energy bills have increased.

An inefficient air conditioning system consumes more energy to maintain the temperature and humidity in your house. Hence, if you notice that your utility bills are skyrocketing without any change in your daily usage, a malfunctioning AC could be the reason.

You should consult air conditioner replacement, Jacksonville, FL, to discuss whether or not you need to replace your current system.

The newer version of air conditioners focuses on energy efficiency and can help you manage your utility bills. When choosing a new model, consider standards for energy efficiency like Energy Star Program and SEER rating.

A professional can also guide you in choosing an energy-efficient device based on your needs and budget. It will not only reduce your monthly bills but also is an environmentally sustainable choice.

4.    The air conditioner uses an R-22 refrigerant.

The older version of air conditioners uses R-22 refrigerant. These are harmful to the environment. Hence, the production of these refrigerants has been prohibited since 2020. Also, it is not allowed to import the R-22 refrigerants in the United States.

Hence, if you are still using an Air conditioner that requires an R-22 refrigerant, you need to consider replacing it. The use of such an air conditioner is not prohibited. However, if the air conditioner requires replacing the refrigerant, you will need to get rid of your AC altogether.

5.    Your air conditioner is not working properly.

The sole reason for having an air conditioner is to maintain a comfortable environment inside your house. However, if your air conditioner is not working properly, you will need to contact a professional.

In some cases, the issues with the system can be fixed with repair work. In other cases, you will need a replacement.

These are some of the reasons indicating that you need air conditioner replacement, and you should contact air conditioner replacement, Jacksonville, FL.