When to Hire a Mold Removal Company

As people are returning to buildings that may have had less traffic over the past while, many building owners are discovering mold issues they never saw before. But when should they call in a professional mold removal to handle the issue? Here are a few instances when you should call in the experts to help with mold removal and remediation, and why it never pays to try and handle mold on your own.

1. You Suspect You Have Mold

If you have any inkling that there is mold in your building or residence, it’s time to call in the professionals. Mold can be quite pervasive and appear in places that you would never suspect. It can also spread to more places without being easy to detect. Just like other pests, if you have mold in one place, there’s probably more of it somewhere nearby.

Mold inspections by professionals are fast, easy, and affordable. Someone will come in and thoroughly inspect the space for mold and let you know what they find. From there, you can formulate a mold removal plan to ensure it’s all taken out, and that it’s less likely to return in the future.

2. When People Use the Space Regularly

The spores from mold in buildings have a tendency to travel through the ducts and get everywhere, most dangerously in people’s lungs. The truth is that mold can cause health problems for people at every age, especially people whose breathing or cardiovascular system has been compromised or challenged recently. It’s why the risk of ignoring mold is never worth it.

Be sure to call in a professional mold removal if you suspect there is mold in a building with a lot of traffic. In these instances, multiple people using the space every day could end up with health complications related to mold. When you call in professional mold remediation experts, however, you can ensure the space is safe and clear for those who use it. It means you can all literally breathe easier.

3. When You Want to Preserve a Building’s Look

Older buildings can get mold more easily than newer builds, even if they are well maintained. Mold can also be present for longer without people noticing because common signs of mold, like the smell, can be chalked up the building’s age. This can often lead to large-scale mold removal work needing done on buildings that preserve a piece of the past.

Mold remediation, the process of removing mold and restoring a building to its former glory, is difficult and technical work. But if you want to keep what makes an older building unique, you will need professional mold removal to help.

Only the experts can ensure the mold is removed and any subsequent renovations help restore a building to its former glory without ruining what makes it special.

4. When Amateur Mold Removal Didn’t Work

Many people who discover mold think that they can handle the mold removal themselves. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Since the process of removing mold is complicated, and mold can grow where you don’t always suspect, amateur mold remediation usually doesn’t do the trick.

In instances where untrained people attempted to remove mold from a building, it’s always a good idea to ensure it was all taken out. You can call in the pros to inspect buildings for mold at any time. When you do, mold remediation professionals will thoroughly inspect a space to ensure every bit of mold was properly removed. In instances where they discover more mold, they can have it removed and give you a plan to help prevent mold growing back in the future.


When it comes to mold, it never pays to do it yourself. In fact, not choosing mold removal professionals to handle any remediation can end up costing you in the long run and leaving your space looking worse than when you started. Whether you suspect you have mold or need someone to remove existing issues, the professionals can help. They offer quality mold remediation services that can make your buildings safer and keep what makes them unique. Contact one today to learn more about how we can help solve any mold issues you may have.