Smoke Smell Remediation: Five Ways to Get Rid of the Stubborn Odor of Smoke

Those who live near the site of a recent structural fire or forest fire know how pervasive the smell of smoke can be. Even if the home or business wasn’t affected by the flames, smoke damage can be a serious issue. Smoke damage can be a major problem. For serious cases, a professional smoke smell remediation company will need to be called in.

Why is Smoke so Pervasive?

When smoke is floating through the air, it doesn’t seem very substantial. In actual fact, smoke is made up of tiny particles of many different toxic substances which is called particulate matter pollution. When these particles settle on surfaces in homes or workplaces, they cause unpleasant and potentially harmful odors. Soft surfaces like furniture and rugs can become saturated with smoke particles. Walls, floors, desks, and counters can become coated. Smoke particles can easily get into the ducts and vents of any building which makes it even harder to clean up. All of this contributes to pervasive, unpleasant, and potentially harmful smoke odor that needs to be cleaned by professionals.

What are the Risks of Smoke?

When the smell of smoke is in a building, that means the smoke particles are present. Breathing in these particles can be dangerous, especially for people with pre-existing health problems. People who have heart or lung disease, are older or younger, have diabetes, or are pregnant are more susceptible to problems related to smoke exposure. It is important to promptly and thoroughly clean the affected area. Smoke smell remediation should be a priority.

Five Ways to Get Rid of Stubborn Smoke

There are a few things that a property owner can do to help reduce the amount of smoke in a space, but the only way to completely remove all traces is by hiring a professional smoke smell remediation company that will also clean the HVAC system. If the ventilation system is not professionally cleaned, smoke particles will continue to circulate throughout the space.

Here are five things that can be done before the smoke smell remediation specialists arrive:

1)    Open all available windows

Airing out the space as much as possible can help to eliminate some of the smoke particles that are still in the air. Leave windows open as long as possible.

Portable fans facing out can help to push more of the smoky air out of the space. Make sure the fans are directed to the outdoors. Replacing the contaminated air with fresh air is an important first step in smoke smell remediation.

2)    Remove as many items as possible

Removing everything possible from the space makes the rest of the cleanup much easier. Placing these items outside if the weather permits will also help the eliminate the smoke odors that are on them.

Launder all washable items. Adding some vinegar to the washing machine may help to remove more of the odor.

3)    Wipe down surfaces

Wipe hard surfaces with a vinegar solution and rinse the cleaning cloth often. Wash walls, floors, counters, desks, and anything that has a hard surface. When smoke particles settle, they can be sticky and require more than just a dusting to remove them.

4)    Treat soft surfaces with baking powder

Baking powder has odor absorbing properties. It can be sprinkled on carpets, rugs, furniture, and any other soft surfaces. It should be vacuumed up after a few hours. Bowls of baking soda can also be left in various places in the affected area to help clean the air as well.

5)    Try activated charcoal

Many home improvement stores sell activated charcoal in bags as an odor reducer. They can be placed or hung in the affected areas so the charcoal can absorb some of the odors.

Smoke Smell Remediation Specialists

It will be necessary to call in a professional smoke smell remediation company to properly clean the smoke from the property. Companies like Air-Tek have teams of trained professionals that use specialized equipment to thoroughly remove the dangerous smoke particles. Air-Tek professionally cleans all parts of the HVAC system, including the vents. Without HVAC cleaning, smoke particles will continue to recirculate through the heating or air conditioning system and the smoke will linger. HVAC cleaning is an important part of smoke smell remediation.